Tips for Holiday Travel

Traveling over the holidays can be made simpler with smart planning. Here are some pointers for holiday travel without stress.Try to steer clear of popular travel dates and times. Traveling, for instance, on the day before Thanksgiving or the final few days before Christmas can be very stressful and expensive.

Pack Lightly
Traveling with kids can be stressful enough without having to worry about what they’re going to bring along. If possible, pack only the essentials. You don’t want to have to spend time searching for something at the airport, especially if you’re flying somewhere over the holidays.

Bring a Change of Clothes
If you know you’ll be traveling for a few days, consider packing a change of clothes in case you get sick or need to stay overnight. That way, you won’t have to rush out and buy something once you arrive.

Keep Your Kids Busy
Keep them busy before you leave home. Have them help put together their own backpacks and make sure they have everything they need. When you’re ready to go, give them some last-minute instructions and then head off to the airport.

Use Airline Apps

Airline apps can save you a lot of time and hassle. Most airlines offer apps that allow you to check flight status, book tickets, and even find out where the closest bathroom is located.

Always reserve flights, trains, and lodging as far in advance as you can for trips over the busiest holidays. Prior to a major holiday, flights and hotel rooms are frequently fully booked, and the closer you are to your departure date, the more expensive your travel will be. If you have to travel during the busiest times, plan ahead months in advance to ensure you have a seat on the plane or a room at the hotel you choose. Try making a reservation online; many travel agencies, hotels, and airlines provide discounts for online reservations.

Check Baggage Allowances
Baggage allowances vary depending on airline and destination. Make sure you know how much weight you can carry before you travel.

Know Where You’re Going
Know where you’re going before you leave. If you’re headed to a foreign country, research the local customs and laws. Also, make sure you know what kind of vaccinations you may need.

Be Prepared
Pack snacks and drinks for yourself and your children. Don’t forget to pack any medications they might need.

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